Mumbai: Disney+Hotstar has given the green signal to a show titled Rita Sanyal. The show is based on a book written by Amit Khan titled Rita Sanyal. It will be produced by Rajeshwar Neer and directed by renowned Bengali film director Abhirup Ghosh. It is a fun unique show with a main female protagonist. Many actresses were considered but these three actresses are frontrunners to bag the role! *

Kriti Sanon: Kriti is an actress who is known for her fashion and style, credit to Crew which released this year which is a film of the same genre as this show. Kriti also won the National Award for Best Actress last year along with Alia Bhatt and proved that she is a force to be reckoned with. She has worked with some of the biggest stars of Bollywood.

Shraddha Kapoor: Shraddha is sabki ladli hai. The actress has garnered a huge fan following. Her image is of the girl next door and the feminine coming up. Shraddha has also worked in Haseena Parkar which was a female centric role.

Ada Sharma: Ada Sharma has established herself among the top actresses after her realistic performance in Kerala Story. The film is the highest grossing female film of all time. After this she worked in Sunflower Season 2 and Bastar and proved her versatility. Ada has a very loyal fan following and her image on social media is also very unique and unique.

Which actress will play the role of Rita Sanyal in this action comedy?

(Anil Bedaag)


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